


雅思阅读每日一练 大家来找茬

来源:上海学为贵雅思培训学校    时间:2020/1/16 9:46:47





  It has been given the name 'facial vision‘, because blind people have reported that it feels a bit like the sense of touch, on the face.


  Blind people report that so-called 'facial vision' is comparable to the sensation of touch on the face.


  1.  blind people=blind people

  2.  report that=have reported that

  3.  so-called=given the name;其中因为原文because引导为“前果后因”因此有'facial vision' 这个名词的地方为“果”因此在改写是加了“so”。

  4.   'facial vision'='facial vision’; 原文中it也为‘facial vision'

  5.   is comparable to=feels a bit like

  6.   the sensation of touch= the sense of touch

  7.   on the face=on the face

  意为尽可能多的找出题目和原文之间的同义近义转换:既增强了同义替换的敏感度,也提高了找同义替换的速度,在多次看句子找同义替换的过程中,也强化了读句子的能力… …(好处很多,重在坚持)




  考点:今天会新出现两个重点内容:1. 同义替换的另一种方式:逻辑前后(上一种叫:抽象-具体)2. 出题考点:合二为一。先思考,明天看解析


  Before this was discovered, engineers had already built instruments to exploit the principle, for example to measure the depth of the sea under a ship. After this technique had been invented, it was only the matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines. Both sides in the Second World War relied heavily on these devices, under such codenames as Asdic (Britain) and Sonar (America), as well as Radar (American) or RDF (Britain), which uses radio echoes rather than sound echoes.


  Before this was understood, the principle had been applied in the design of instruments which calculated the _____ of the seabed. This was followed by a wartime application in devices for finding ____.





  其实我看了你们给我的例子和思路,我觉得非常棒,我看到了more than= higher…than…= five times= 几倍= 具体数字= a variety of = increase 等;

  我也看到了knowledge= learn= master= information= understand= faculty 等;

  为了方便吸收,今天我给more than的,明天给knowledge的。


  今天先说我认为的more than,里面也包含了你们的思考。今天的解析,是我们共同完成的。温故而知新,我想我们做到了。

  more than:

  1.  exceed:指more than 了数量。一个重要的用法是做了一些“超出”规则甚至法律允许的事情。

  例句:working hours must not exceed 60 hours a week.

  The population police had exceeded their authority.

  2.  transcend: 指超过了传统的界限(超过了我们普遍的认知)

  例句:the desire for peace transcended political differences.

  1).  over 有很多意思,但是只需要记得阅读中=more than就行,反义词under。

  例句:people earning $30,000 and over will pay the higher rate of tax.

  2).  beyond: 意思有很多,但是不论是一个事的更进一步,还是和after一个意思,表示之后,还是更多的数量greater than a particular amount,又或者是跨越限制之外outside the range or limits of sth/sb,都可以看出:

  例句:the ban has been extended beyond 2015.(2015年以后,也就是比201)

  more people are choosing to work beyond retirement limit.(超过年纪的限制,也就是退休年纪更大)

  expensive luxuries that are beyond the reach of ordinary people.(普通人买不起,也就是负担很大)

  3.  increase 指的就是数量,数字,等级become larger than before,是广义的增加。

  例句: sales increased by 25 percent.

     4.  grow 这个增长一般是指超过了时间的周期,经常用在数量和数字上。

  例句:the number of people working from homes has grown substantially.

  5.  rise 这个增长一般指的是事物level的增长,在使用上不是那么正式。

  例句:living standards have risen dramatically.

  6.  go up是非正式版的increase,常用在口语当中。

  例句:the price of coffee has gone up.

  7.  soar这个增长指的是数量,数字达到一个很高很高的数值,有时也指感觉。反义词为plummet,所以此词也为“激增”。

  例句:the temperature soared to 36.6 degrees.

  8.  shoot up指的是增长得快,很突然,表示“激增”。

  例句:share prices shot up 30 per cent over the last week.

  9.  expand指的是事情的规模,事物的尺寸,变得更大。

  例句:we are hoping to expand into mobile phone services.

  10.  Double & triple指的是变成了之前的两倍或三倍。

  例句:since 1950,the number of people dying from cancer has almost double.

  The company's profits tripled last quarter.

  11.  extend指的是增加一个人的权利,影响,或者一个人参与的事情。

  例句:we are hoping to extend the range of services that we offer.

  12.  heighten指的是增加感觉和影响。

  例句:the attack has heightened concerns about racism in schools.

  13.  maximize指尽可能多的增加。

  例句:businesses try to maximize efficiency and cut coats.

  14.  raise指的是增加价格,税,或者标准。

  例句:the school aims to raise students' levels of achievement.

  15.  boost指增加销售数量,利润产品等,尤其用在实际数值比你预期的低的时候。

  例句:oil exports boosted the economy.



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